Planning applications
Planning applications Related questions
- Can I copy an existing application?
- Can I print/export 1App applications?
- Error when uploading a biodiversity metric spreadsheet
- How do I reset my password?
- How long does it take for a payment to reach the local authority?
- I have mistakenly chosen the option to nominate another person to pay, how do I choose another payment method?
- I have paid for my application, why is it still showing as ‘payment pending’?
- I'm applying online and can't find the form I need
- My application has been submitted to the wrong local authority
- My application was ‘complete’, why can I not begin the submission process?
- What are the transaction limits for the Nominate payment option?
- What fee is charged when a planning application covers multiple categories of development
- What is 'Nominate'?
- What is the Financial Transaction Service?
- When should I use the Nominate payment option?
- Why is there a service charge for submitting planning applications?