Payment Related questions
- How are fees and payments for amendments handled when government changes fees?
- How can I pay for a planning application?
- How can I request a refund for a planning application?
- How do government application fee changes affect online application submissions?
- How do I make a payment for my planning application?
- How do I nominate someone to pay for an application?
- How long does it take for a payment to reach the local authority?
- I’ve been nominated to pay for a planning application, but the fees are changing
- What actions are required if users or their nominees had their payment processes cancelled due to government application fee changes?
- What are the transaction limits for the Nominate payment option?
- What can happen while my application is ‘Payment pending’?
- What information is published regarding government application fee changes?
- What should I do if there is a problem with my online payment for an application?