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Satellite, TV and radio antenna

Planning Permission: General information

Before you buy or rent an antenna, check whether you need planning permission, listed building consent, or permission from the landlord or owner. You are responsible for placing antennas in the appropriate position.

The planning permission and permitted development regimes for antenna are shown below, you can also view our good practice guidance on installing an antenna (which contains supplementary advice on installation).

Under the The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended), you have a general permission to install an antennas up to a specific size on property without the need for planning permission. This general permission depends on your house type and area. Your local planning authority can give you more advice.

The regime splits buildings up into four categories detailed on the following pages:

  1. Houses and buildings up to 15 metres high1
  2. Houses and buildings up to 15m high in designated areas2
  3. Buildings 15 metres high or more3
  4. Buildings 15 metres high or more in designated areas4

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    Linear dimension - This means taking the measurement in a straight line, starting from the edge of the antenna to the opposite edge of the antenna. The measurement should only include the antenna itself and not any attachment needed to fix it to the wall or roof, or connect it up to your equipment.

    Projecting feed element - In a dish antenna, the incoming signals are received by the dish which then ‘reflects’ the signal into a central ‘feed horn’. This is usually positioned at a short distance (a few inches) away from the dish and held in place by projecting arm or arms.

    Cubic capacity - This means the volume (the amount of in 3 dimensions) occupied by an object using known method of measurement.


    If you live in a flat, these limits refer to the building as a whole and not to each separate flat.

    If the number of dishes or antennas installed on the building has already reached the maximum allowed, you will need planning permission for further installations.

    In this case, you may want to discuss with other residents the possibility of a shared system.

    Designated Areas

    Designated areas are:

    • conservation areas;
    • National Parks;
    • Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
    • the Norfolk or Suffolk Broads.
    • World Heritage Sites *

    These are defined within Schedule 1, Part 1, of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 20155

    Listed Buildings

    Some buildings are ‘listed’ because of their special historic or architectural interest. Your local planning department can tell you whether the building is ‘listed’. If you live in a ‘listed building’ and want to install an antenna on that building, you generally need to apply for ‘listed building consent’. This consent is different from planning permission. You need listed building consent for any antenna that affects the character or appearance of a listed building or its setting.


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