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Roof - Planning Permission

Alterations to the roof of a house (e.g. to re-roof or insert skylights) is considered to be permitted development (not requiring planning permission) subject to the following limits and conditions.

These are specific to "any other alteration to the roof of a dwellinghouse" as detailed in Schedule 2, Part 1, Class C of the The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 20151 (as amended).

There are different rules for:

If these limits and conditions are not met, or Permitted Development rights have been removed in the area, then an application for Householder/Full Planning Permission will be required.

The current house:

  • Is not a building containing one or more flats, or a flat contained within such a building
  • Was not changed to be used as a house (from a previous non-residential use) under permitted development rights.
  • Was not built as a ‘New Dwellinghouse’ under permitted development rights.

Limitations on the proposed development:

  • Must not project more than 150 millimetres from the plane of the existing roof slope.
  • Must not exceed the height of the existing roof.
  • Side-facing windows must be obscure-glazed; and, if opening, to be 1.7 metres above the floor of the room in which they are installed.

Permitted Development for householders – Technical Guidance

You are strongly advised to read the technical guidance produced by the Government to help understand how permitted development rules might apply to your circumstances.

View 'Permitted development for householders – Technical guidance' on Gov.uk5

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