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Approved Document P

Publication title: Approved Document P: Electrical safety - Dwellings (2013 edition)
Date published: January 2013


Approved Document P contains guidance on electrical safety in dwellings, including detailed information about what procedures need to be in place and who may carry these out, such as when a professional electrician must be hired. Those undertaking electrical works must be considered “competent”, having a complete and proficient understanding of electrical fittings and are able to check safety circuits. 

The document details electrical safety to avoid injuries and fires caused by electrical installations, including the design, installation, inspection and testing of any electrical works made within a dwelling.  


The Merged Approved Documents1

A consolidated version of the individual Approved Documents published by the government, now presented as a single, searchable PDF.

Previous version

This current edition of Approved Document P: Electrical safety - Dwellings, has been updated and replaces the previous edition.

Changes in this version

This current edition of Approved Document P: Electrical safety - Dwellings, has been updated and replaces all previous editions.

There are some legal and technical changes in this edition:

  • reduces the range of electrical installation work that is notifiable.
  • installers who are not a registered competent person may now use a 'registered third-party certifier' to certify work as an alternative to a using building control body.
  • the technical guidance throughout now refers to BS7671:2008 incorporating Amendment No 1:2011.

There have been no amendments to the substantive requirements in Schedule 1 (ie Parts A to P) of the Building Regulations.

This Approved Document gives guidance for compliance with the Building Regulations for building work carried out in England. It also applies to building work carried out on excepted energy buildings in Wales as defined in the Welsh Ministers (Transfer of Functions) (No. 2) Order 20093.

Useful links

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