Making an online planning application
Fees - Calculate fees for the application
Different application types have different fees, which are set by the UK government. The fee calculator1 allows you to determine if fee is due and what the fee will be.
All applications made online that attract a fee over £60 will have a service charge applied. The service charge is £58.33 +VAT. Find out more.2
Please note that while every effort has been taken to ensure that the application fee is calculated correctly, the determination of whether the fee is correct is solely the responsibility of the relevant Local Planning Authority (LPA). Once you have submitted and paid for the application, the fee will be checked by the LPA when they validate the application and they will confirm whether the fee is correct.
Should the fee be incorrect, please contact our service desk for assistance.
Exemptions, reductions and applications relating to more than one LPA
Once a fee has been calculated, you can select any relevant reductions or exemptions and identify if the application is within the boundaries of more than one LPA.
If you are claiming an exemption in payment (e.g. if the proposed works provide disability access to a building), or if you are claiming a reduction in payment (e.g. if it is a development by a parish council), some LPAs may require a statement attached to your application giving the appropriate details (you will need to contact the LPA before submission to confirm this).
If the application site is within the boundaries of more than one LPA, then the fee will be increased to 150 per cent of the original calculated value. This is correct for most applications of this type, but as above, the fee will be checked by the LPA when they validate the application and they will confirm whether the fee is correct.