What do the different statuses on the 'My Applications' screen mean?
Every application will have a ‘status’ to indicate its current progress:
- Draft - This application is either:
- Still being completed and has not yet been submitted; or
- Being amended and has not yet been resubmitted (see ‘Amended application statuses’ below)
- Payment pending – Payment is in progress (e.g. waiting for a bank transfer to be received, or for a nominee to make a payment) and the application is locked to prevent changes. Once payment is confirmed, the application will be submitted.
- Submitted - The application has been submitted and they have been notified by email. However, the application itself has not yet been transferred to them.
- Received - The application has been accessed and transferred to their system. For further information about the progress of the application after this stage you will need to contact the local authority directly.
- Archived - Submitted/received applications that you have chosen to archive.
Amended planning application statuses
Unlike the previous version of the Planning Portal which had specific statuses for amendments, retracted and amended planning applications will now show the same statuses as above based on their progress.
Previous versions of amended applications will continue to show ‘Received by LPA’.