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      Application guide

      Planning permission: Which application type should you choose?

      Different types of application are required depending on the development in question. The following guide breaks down the types of application by who may need to use them,  and scenarios you may find yourself in.

      This can act as guidance to inform your choice of application type; however, if you require confirmation then you will need to speak to your local planning authority (LPA).

      Find your local planning authority

      Who are you and why do you need to apply?

      Choose from the options below using the arrow on the right:

      General public – Householder development
      General public – Business or commercial development
      Planning professional – Architects, builders, planning agents, etc…

      Specific situations you may find yourself in

      You can apply to have conditions discharged (approved)1 so that your development can begin. You will be required to detail how you intend to meet the conditions (e.g. the materials you will use) or provide supporting information to demonstrate compliance (e.g. a traffic assessment).

      If you have previously gained planning permission for a development, then you may wish to make minor amendments, or change/remove the conditions which were placed on it.

      Removal/Variation of conditions

      Conditions are often applied, placing limits on how the development is implemented. An application for removal or variation of conditions2 can be used to change conditions which have been previously imposed. Proof will have to be submitted that the conditions are no longer relevant or reasonable.

      Non-material amendment

      A non-material amendment3 may be applied for to approve a minor change to the planning permission and does not breach any conditions originally placed on the consent.

      If the amendment is not considered minor by the Local Planning Authority, a new planning application will be required.

      If you need retrospective approval for work that has already been done (or is in progress)

      This may occur if you find out work on your house does not have the appropriate documentation, or that development or a change of use has been carried out without proper consent, or in breach of a condition.

      Planning permission vs lawful development certificate

      To check if existing work or current use can continue ‘as is’, you can apply for a lawful development certificate4.

      If a certificate cannot be granted, you can make a householder5 or full planning application6. If you want to ensure the viability of a commercial development without having to finalise all the details or pay a large upfront fee.

      The viability of a project can be assessed through outline planning permission7 or permission in principle to help mitigate risk and avoid the resource commitment required to make a full planning application.

      Neither of these application types allow for work to begin on a site until the rest of the details are agreed.

      Permission in principle may apply to your development if it is between 1-9 houses, anything else would require outline permission.

      What to do next

      If you have decided the necessary application type, then you can start your application8. For more information on potential applications visit our consent types page9.

      Alternatively, you may wish to contact your local planning authority (LPA)10 for more details. You can engage in pre-application talks11 to help improve the chances of a successful application. Please note, local authorities may charge a fee for pre-application advice.


      The Planning Portal is delivered by PortalPlanQuest Limited which is a joint venture between TerraQuest Solutions Limited and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG). All content © 2025 Planning Portal.

      The Planning Portal is delivered by PortalPlanQuest Limited which is a joint venture between TerraQuest Solutions Limited and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG). All content © 2025 Planning Portal.