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Planning appeals

If you wish to appeal in respect of a decision that the local planning authority (LPA) has made in relation to a planning application (other than a householder application) then you can submit a planning appeal.

Normally the decision notice from the LPA will include some notes that will confirm your rights of appeal and the time period within which you must submit the appeal.


A planning appeal currently has to be received by the Planning Inspectorate within six months of the date of the decision. You will lose your right of appeal if you do not submit it within this timeframe.


The full requirements and process for submitting a planning appeal are detailed on the government website, However, there are different appeal procedures available for this type of appeal.
Visit to read about the process for submitting a planning appeal1.

Most of these types of appeal are dealt with by means of written representations.

You do have the option of opting for an informal hearing, or for more complex applications you can consider whether an inquiry might be more appropriate.

Details on what type of procedure you should choose, and the processes and timeframes involved can be found on the government website.
Visit to find out about appeals and how long they take2.

There are strict timeframes and procedures in place to ensure that relevant information is submitted in a timely manner and to enable all parties the opportunity to comment.

Other parties involved in the appeal process will include the local planning authority and people who may have an interest in the application, such as neighbours or local amenity groups. All will have an opportunity to make written comments on your appeal.

The planning inspector allocated to your appeal will consider all the written evidence provided by all parties and will visit the site to assess the proposal.

If the appeal is to be heard by means of an informal hearing or an inquiry, then there will also be discussion between the parties, on a day (or days) set by the Planning Inspectorate.

The decision

A final decision will subsequently be made in writing after the site visit. The whole process from submission to decision should take around three months.

Make an appeal online

You can make an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate online on the website1

Before you start please read the introductory notes.

Help with the Appeals Casework Portal

If you need help with the Appeals Casework Portal please contact the Planning Inspectorate’s customer support team by telephone on 0303 444 5000 or by email:


Things to consider

You may find it helpful to use the following third-party commercial service to plan your home improvement project:

This link will take you to information about their services.


The Planning Portal is delivered by PortalPlanQuest Limited which is a joint venture between TerraQuest Solutions Limited and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG). All content © 2025 Planning Portal.

The Planning Portal is delivered by PortalPlanQuest Limited which is a joint venture between TerraQuest Solutions Limited and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG). All content © 2025 Planning Portal.